The Only Way....

The Only Way....



1. Don't expect to be appreciated. Your only expectation should be to learn.

2. Don't come to school to have personal relationships. Keep your eye on the career you are here to achieve.

3. Don't allow others or your environment to affect who you are.

4. Look for opportunities to improve the classroom atmosphere without commenting on the challenges. Influence your environment in a positive way, don't let your environment infuence you negatively.

5. Each day is an opportunity to learn to work with different personalities. This is a blessing, even when it does not seem so.

6. Do your classwork and services well, remembering your mission is to be a daymaker, not a daybreaker. A cosmetologist is in their career to serve others.

7. Remember to do your best, where you are. Complete your education in a timely manner, without rushing. Keep in mind you are building your career. This building is done in steps, as on a ladder. Learning is done one step at a time. You must place your foot on the step firmly. If you skip a step or place only a part of your foot on the step, you will fall

Monday, March 1, 2021

March Duty List - Shop Manager Albany

Duty list for this week/month is now available.  (Dispensary person and front desk person - when we have one, will change weekly)  Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please remember, cleanliness is extremely important!!!! Do you want to use anything dirty?  Does your client want to come in to a mess?  It takes EVERYONE completing their duty in a responsible way to keep our classroom and salon area safe and clean.  After you have completed your duty, notify your Shop Manager.  Shop Manager will verify the duty has been completed correctly and will then sign off.  Please do not just sign off when you have not cleaned your area.  I notice -- so if you do this don't expect a job recommendation. Your classmates notice too.  Think about it...Do you want the reputation of being someone who is a sneaky liar and shirks responsibility or do you want to be the one that everyone says..."Dang...look at the great job she did!  We can depend on her!!!"

Click here for March Duty List 

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