The Only Way....

The Only Way....



1. Don't expect to be appreciated. Your only expectation should be to learn.

2. Don't come to school to have personal relationships. Keep your eye on the career you are here to achieve.

3. Don't allow others or your environment to affect who you are.

4. Look for opportunities to improve the classroom atmosphere without commenting on the challenges. Influence your environment in a positive way, don't let your environment infuence you negatively.

5. Each day is an opportunity to learn to work with different personalities. This is a blessing, even when it does not seem so.

6. Do your classwork and services well, remembering your mission is to be a daymaker, not a daybreaker. A cosmetologist is in their career to serve others.

7. Remember to do your best, where you are. Complete your education in a timely manner, without rushing. Keep in mind you are building your career. This building is done in steps, as on a ladder. Learning is done one step at a time. You must place your foot on the step firmly. If you skip a step or place only a part of your foot on the step, you will fall

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Food Delivery

 Please remember, there is no food delivery to the NFTC front desk. 


Friday, August 20, 2021

Please Read! Thank you.

 Families have a critical role in the health and well-being of our students.  Prior to coming to school each day, students and adults should screen themselves for symptoms listed below. 

ü  Temperature of 100.4 or above

ü  Chills

ü  New cough/shortness of breath/difficulty breathing (for those with chronic allergies or asthma, a change from typical symptoms)

ü  Fatigue

ü  Muscle or body aches

ü  New onset of headache- especially with fever

ü  New loss of sense of smell or taste

ü  Sore throat

ü  Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain

ü  Congestion or runny nose

ü  Body or Muscle aches

Students experiencing any of these symptoms should stay home.  Please contact a healthcare provider should symptoms persist. 

     Students that have a fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit will be sent home immediately and may not return to school until 24 hours have passed with no fever or flu-like symptoms (without the use of fever-reducing medications). 

     Students who have been tested (by the Health Dept or anywhere else) for COVID-19 should stay home until test results are received.  Please notify the school and ask for a doctor’s note and provide it to the school upon return.

     Students who have been contacted by the Health Department confirming close contact with a person with COVID-19 should follow current Health Department recommendations.  They must remain at home until the Health Department or Physician advises that the student may return to school.    

     Students who have tested positive for COVID must remain at home until the Health Department or Physician advises that the student may return to school.