Q: What hours are we expected to be in class?
A: Class begins at 9:00 am and ends at 3:30 pm except for every other Thursday when hours are 9:00 am - 7:30 pm. You are expected to be in class on time, the entire day, every day.
Q: What time is lunch?
A: Lunch is 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm. You are expected to eat your lunch during this time. If you leave and pick up your lunch, you are still expected to be back to your classwork at 12:30 pm. Lunch is 30 minutes. Extended lunch is not acceptable.
Q: Should you have a break?
A: There are no breaks other than lunch. Do not take a break.
Q: What is the cell phone policy?
A: No cells phones for any reason. If you have an emergency/urgent situation, please let me know you need to be excused to make a call. Please feel free to give your family members my office phone number.
Q: Can we have food in class?
A: During pleasant weather, please eat at the picnic tables. No snacking, eat breakfast before you arrive. Food is for lunch time only. You may have a drink in the classroom (not on your station) in a cup with a lid, that does not sweat. If you happen to forget and have a cup that does sweat, please remember to put a napkin/paper towel beneath your cup. This is to protect your chromebook from water damage. Keep your drink away from the chromebook in case of a spill!
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