The Only Way....

The Only Way....



1. Don't expect to be appreciated. Your only expectation should be to learn.

2. Don't come to school to have personal relationships. Keep your eye on the career you are here to achieve.

3. Don't allow others or your environment to affect who you are.

4. Look for opportunities to improve the classroom atmosphere without commenting on the challenges. Influence your environment in a positive way, don't let your environment infuence you negatively.

5. Each day is an opportunity to learn to work with different personalities. This is a blessing, even when it does not seem so.

6. Do your classwork and services well, remembering your mission is to be a daymaker, not a daybreaker. A cosmetologist is in their career to serve others.

7. Remember to do your best, where you are. Complete your education in a timely manner, without rushing. Keep in mind you are building your career. This building is done in steps, as on a ladder. Learning is done one step at a time. You must place your foot on the step firmly. If you skip a step or place only a part of your foot on the step, you will fall

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Review of Class Policies we discussed Friday

Q:  What hours are we expected to be in class?

A:  Class begins at 9:00 am and ends at 3:30 pm except for every other Thursday when hours are 9:00 am - 7:30 pm.  You are expected to be in class on time, the entire day, every day.

Q:  What time is lunch?

A:  Lunch is 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm.  You are expected to eat your lunch during this time. If you leave and pick up your lunch, you are still expected to be back to your classwork at 12:30 pm.  Lunch is   30 minutes.  Extended lunch is not acceptable.

Q:  Should you have a break?

A:  There are no breaks other than lunch.  Do not take a break.

Q:  What is the cell phone policy?

A:  No cells phones for any reason.   If you have an emergency/urgent situation, please let me know you  need to be excused to make a  call.  Please feel free to give your family members my office phone number. 

Q:  Can we have food in class?

A:  During pleasant weather, please eat at the picnic tables.  No snacking, eat breakfast before you  arrive.  Food is for lunch time only.  You may have a drink in the classroom (not on your station) in a cup with a lid, that does not sweat.  If you happen to forget and have a cup that does sweat, please remember to put a napkin/paper towel beneath your cup.  This is to protect your chromebook from water damage.  Keep your drink away from the chromebook in case of a spill!

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