"I believe any student can become independent through applying the hands with skill, growing the heart with love for others, filling the head with practical knowledge of the profession and making ethical choices in life and the workplace."
The Only Way....
1. Don't expect to be appreciated. Your only expectation should be to learn.
2. Don't come to school to have personal relationships. Keep your eye on the career you are here to achieve.
3. Don't allow others or your environment to affect who you are.
4. Look for opportunities to improve the classroom atmosphere without commenting on the challenges. Influence your environment in a positive way, don't let your environment infuence you negatively.
5. Each day is an opportunity to learn to work with different personalities. This is a blessing, even when it does not seem so.
6. Do your classwork and services well, remembering your mission is to be a daymaker, not a daybreaker. A cosmetologist is in their career to serve others.
7. Remember to do your best, where you are. Complete your education in a timely manner, without rushing. Keep in mind you are building your career. This building is done in steps, as on a ladder. Learning is done one step at a time. You must place your foot on the step firmly. If you skip a step or place only a part of your foot on the step, you will fall.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
August 2020 Class
Nicole, Victoria and Maria
There are a total of 11 MindTap assignments to complete for 30, 31, 32. Theory dates have been scheduled to discuss the chapters and answer any questions you may have concerning state board exams, going to work, and owning your own business. Please check your calendar for dates that the assignments are do and when we have theory. There are no chapter tests for these chapters and this material will not be on your state board exam.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Friday, April 16, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
Late Thursday Date Change
We will not have late Thursday on 4/22.
We will have late Thursday on 4/29
This does not change late Thursday for May or June.
Thank you!
Friday, April 9, 2021
Redken Color Gels Class Tuesday 4/13
Class Name: Redken Color Gels Lacquers Product KnowledgeType of Class: Look and Learn
Class Start Date: 4/13/2021
Class End Date: 4/13/2021
Class Start Time: 10:00 AM
Class End Time: 1:00 PM
Friday, April 2, 2021
Hygiene Drive for the Middle School
Would you like to help the middle school with their hygiene drive? To make it easy, I will put a box in the classroom. Anyone who would like to bring in items, place it in the box and at the end of the week we can take the box over to the middle school. Thank you for helping out the middle school kids.